What are the Mission and Vision of the Office of the Auditor General?


HSS OAG was established in 2018.The Auditor General was appointed by the president in the same year and has since then attended several workshops and trainings that have been conducted by ASI PREMIS project through funds provided by DFID and European Union. HSS audit act 2019 was passed by parliament, the appointment of the Auditor General was also formalized through the approval of Parliament.
The purpose of the office of the Auditor General is to protect the public resources of HSS and create an annual report by auditing the consolidated financial statement of the state as per Section 32(3) of the PFM act and section 30(4)


Mission Statement

To be a world class Supreme Audit Institution that promotes efficient public resource utilization through accountability, transparency and integrity.

Vision Statment

To produce reports which can easily be interpreted by parliament, the citizens and those charged with responsibility that reduces wastage of resources and promotes value for money.

Goals Achieved

Since OAG was implemented, the office has made great progress in fulfilling its mandate. The office has achieved various milestones set as part of its work of auditing usage of public resources in Hirshabelle State.

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